ASAC Activities Apr 22

Wellness Day: Walking Safely
Join Andy Arvidson from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 27, for a virtual class on how to walk safely. Andy has been teaching walking classes for 18 years, and he can help you walk with more confidence and less work. Andy has found that most Americans do not walk correctly, making them at risk for falls. Learn to walk properly, safely, with less fall risks. Andy can help you find a comfortable and safe stride that will help keep you safe. To join this virtual program, click on
Seated Wellness with Rita Yribar
Rita Yribar is offering a free online chair yoga class via Zoom. These classes will be held every Tuesday from 2 to 3:15 p.m. The class is designed to allow for each person’s physical needs. The class is free, but donations to the ASAC are encouraged. If you have any questions, contact Rita at
Have Fun Zoom Jamming!
Kay Garza, with many years of study in guitar, voice and piano, as well as jazz and bluegrass jamming and scramble band experience, will lead a variety of songs in virtual sessions. The sessions will meet at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Email to sign up.
Zoom Room Help
Dustin South from the Anacortes Parks and Recreation Department is offering Zoom help at 10 a.m. on Thursday, April
- For more information or to sign-up, email Dustin at the Parks and Recreation Department at A meeting invitation weblink will be emailed the day before the virtual meeting.
Aging Mastery Starter Kits
Get your own FREE Aging Mastery Program Starter Kit. This self-paced kit can help you take small steps to improve your health and quality of life. It includes a playbook, exercise DVDs, activity cards, and a weekly check-in notepad. A new discussion group is forming for folks who want to work through the kits together, sharing ideas and support. Contact Lea DeVere the Senior Activity Center by calling (360) 293-7473.
Might as Well Eat Well with Chef Jackie
Chef Jackie sends out recipes for her free virtual gatherings. One group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, and the other meets on the second Saturday of each month. Both groups start promptly at 10 a.m. You will need to obtain your own ingredients and prepare the recipe at home. Email Chef Jackie at to receive a Zoom invitation.
T’ai Chi Chih Available Online
Joan Roulac, who leads the Center’s moving meditation classes, now offers beginning and intermediate T’ai Chi Chih classes online using Zoom. For more information or to sign up, call Joan at (360) 298-2789 or email her at
Meals on Wheels and Pickup Meals
The Meals on Wheels delivery program is still operating out of the Center every Monday through Friday. Meals are also available for pickup at the Senior Activity Center once a week. If you would like to pick up meals, call (360) 293-7473 and ask for the Nutrition staff. To sign up for Meals on Wheels home delivery, call (360) 416-1500.